

7:23 π.μ.

World Population
Current World Population
Births this year 

Births today 
Deaths this year...
Deaths today
Net population growth for today 
1) "this year" = from January 1 (00:00) up to now
2) "today" = from the beginning of the current day up to now
3) "net population growth" = births minus deaths
Government - Economics
Healthcare expenditure by governments worldwide today (US$)
Education expenditure by governments worldwide today (US$)
Military expenditure by governments worldwide today (US$)
Countries in the U.N.
Cars produced this year
Bicycles produced this year
Computers sold this year

Society - Media
New book titles published this year
Newspapers circulated today
TV sets sold worldwide today
Cellular phones sold today
Money spent on videogames in the world today (US$)
Internet users in the world
Email messages sent today
Blog posts today
Google searches today

Forest loss this year (hectares)
Arable land lost due to soil erosion this year (hectares)
Carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions this year, in tons
Current average temperature (Celsius)
Desertification this year (hectares)
Species that have gone extinct this year
Toxic chemicals released by industries into our air, land, and water this year (tons)
Kilometers Earth has traveled in space within our Solar System this year

Tons of produced food this year
Undernourished people in the world right now
Overweight people in the world right now
Obese people in the world right now
People who died of hunger today
Money spent due to obesity related diseases in the USA today (US$)
Money spent on weight loss programs in the USA today (US$)

Water consumed this year (billion liters)
Deaths from water related diseases this year
People with no access to safe drinking water

Energy used worldwide today (MWh), of which:
- from non-renewable sources (MWh)
- from renewable sources (MWh)
Solar energy striking Earth today (MWh)
Oil pumped today (barrels1)
Oil left (barrels)
Days to the end of oil 2
Gas left (boe3)
Days to the end of gas 2
Coal left (boe)
Days to the end of coal 2

1) Barrel = 42 Gallons = 159 Liters
2) If consumed at current rates
3) Boe = barrel of oil equivalent

Deaths caused by communicable diseases this year
Deaths of children under 5 this year
Abortions this year
Abortions due to a risk to maternal health
Deaths of mothers during birth this year
HIV/AIDS infected people
Deaths caused by HIV/AIDS this year
Deaths caused by cancer this year
Deaths caused by malaria this year
Cigarettes smoked today
Deaths caused by smoking this year
Deaths caused by alcohol this year
Suicides this year
World spending on illegal drugs this year (US$)
Road traffic accident fatalities this year

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